
Showing posts from June, 2011

St. Vincent Greenwich Village Demo

Twenty some years ago I had an idea for an Italian Romanesque tower for a site in Greenwich Village.  I lost much of the back up material, but I found some slides I took while rendering the perspective.  The following is a sequence of images showing the process.  I know, it is like showing how to make buggy whips now that everyone uses Photoshop, but you might find it interesting. Here is the wireframe... talk about archaic.  But it was a big step up from hand layouts. I sketched over the wireframe with pencil, then pasted context buildings in, and added trees, background context and a wet street with cars. Now, on a mylar overlay, I rendered the image in ink with Rapidograph (technical) pen. Once I had an ink drawing, it was party time!  I had it photo-reduced to an 8"x10" size, and I xeroxed the thing.  Using pastels I worked up a number of possible color schemes.  My default is a warm/cool balance that helps make the building pop out, but I'll do 8 ...

Why Blog?

Having lived through the computer revolution and felt its impact on architecture, I thought I should post my thoughts on the subject.  Modeling a design, and rendering that model has become so cheap and easy that nearly any architect can do it.  Making a rendering stand out from the crowd however, is not so easy.  This blog will point out ways to get a design noticed, and built.  And getting your work built has always been the goal for architects. I expect to comment on architecture in general, also history, art and anything that catches my eye.  Also, anything I might be working on at the time.  I'm not a writer, but rather an architect/artist, so expect more pretty pictures than words.  Unless otherwise noted any drawing or painting is my own (it is my blog after all).

