
Showing posts from April, 2012

Shell Sketching

I hate vacations.  Ever since I was a teenager vacations have been a rush of activities sandwiched between long bouts of driving.  I usually had work to do during the vacation, or the kids needed (unwanted) chaperoning.  Whenever I was asked what I wanted to do for Father’s Day, or my birthday, I would say “nothing”.  I never got my wish.  Yes… my middle name is “curmudgeon”. Nevertheless, I spent the entire month of February in Florida.  I just needed warmth and a change.  Since my wife had just died and my kids were grown I was able to indulge in my own form of doing nothing.  That is, I sat inside and sketched miscellaneous things in the apartment. Now for most people Florida in the winter means lying in the sun by the pool.  Unfortunately, I don’t tan, I burn.  I’m a blue eyed blond (with great legs!).  Or rather, I’m a pasty faced, four-eyed nerd, Johnny Winter look-alike.  I went south to embrace the sunny warmth, but avo...

That's White...right?

Architects seem to love white.  Most homes have white siding or trim.  Most traditional buildings use limestone or a white marble.  And, although modern buildings are largely glass and can choose an unlimited range of colors for the paneling and mullions, a surprising number go with white or a "white" metal like brushed aluminum.  However, when it comes to representing the white surfaces of buildings the reality is that nothing is pure white.  Artists throughout history have known this intuitively, avoiding pure white, and instead dancing around the light blues, pinks and lavenders that you actually see. Above is a photo from a visit to my family in Minnesota.  It isn't always winter in Minnesota, but it sometimes feels that way.  Anyway, note lack of any pure white in the pure white snow.  The color is entirely a mix of the late day warm colored sunlight, and the reflection of the blue sky.  And don't get me started on snow...  A late d...