Composition part 4 - Light Spot

This image (filtered for contrast and color) caught my eye a few days ago. Eakins’ painting The Gross Clinic came to mind, as did other group portraits. But…. It was nothing so important artistically, Or historically for that matter… It was simply a photo of soldiers carrying a body on a stretcher in China after a landslide (WSJ Jan 12/13). Funny how a photograph of an activity which happens hundreds of times a day around the world became imprinted on my mind. It is essentially an unrecognizable light spot on a dark background. Nothing that important, but to my eye and brain it was something worth spending some time with. Portraits are the most obvious examples of the light spot grabbing your attention. I have always liked Titian’s The Young Englishman , in part because it resembles a friend from my younger days, but also because of the scattered light spots. It happens that Titian’s style of portrait painting became the standard for the next 400 yea...