New York Times reviews Times Square Competition at Skyscraper Museum

Midtown Manhattan Wouldn’t Be the Same ‘Times Square, 1984,’ at the Skyscraper Museum By Joseph Giovannini, New York Times, Aug.. 21, 2014 (Weekend Arts Section, page 22) “One of the most beautiful entries, by Lee Dunnette, envisioned a restored Times Tower with a spectral, hooped tube driving through the body and shooting beyond the roof, a ghostly hologram vanishing into the night.” The column by Mr. Giovannini is a concise and entertaining review of the Times Square redevelopment in the mid 1980s, and the parallel shifting of architectural design thought in the same time period. The online version includes a slide show of images from the time. Paul Goldberg of the Times wrote a contemporary (1984) review of the original competition, which announces an understandably begrudging acceptance of the stylistic chaos, His note on my proposal: " The jury also selected Lee Alan Dunnette's proposal for a re-creation of the original tower with a cylindrical light shaft shooting ...