Graphical Parallel Projection - Plan Projection

Plans were probably the first type of construction drawing to be used. There are examples from 18 th dynasty Egypt (on papyrus) and from the city of Nippur Mesopotamia (on clay tablet) around 1500 BC. Not long after this elevations show up in the archeological evidence, and it seems an easy step from there to putting the two types of drawings together in a single drawing. I admit that I have not found any example of this in artifacts from the ancient world. This doesn’t surprise me much since such drawing would have been used for on-site (draw in the dirt) explanations to the workers, not for governmental propaganda or record keeping). Suffice it to say (and this is my own, unsubstantiated opinion) that plan projection drawings must have been one of the graphic tools of builders early on. In any case, it has been a favorite of architects and engineers in more recent times. Projecting a plan into 3 dimensions is quite easy - draw the plan of an object; rotate it to any angle; and then ...