Hand & CAD - The Wireframe Years - 2

1989... Being rather isolated at my small work station in a one bedroom apartment (shared with my pregnant wife and a toddler), I had not heard of the big architectural competition of that year. So it was a surprise when I got the call from Rafael Vignoly Associates (well, not a complete surprise since I had done work for them before). The competition was the Tokyo International Forum, a large convention center in the center of Tokyo. The design was largely done and the submission date was coming up fast, when I was called. Luckily, they were early adopters of 3D CAD work and had produced a model. At the very first meeting they showed me a number of views produced from that model; 4 of which looked promising. The first view was an aerial which gave a very effective idea of the massing. I took the wireframe print and worked it over with black pastel to produce a night view. This is a Xerox of the lost original (8” x 10”), but you can see the dramatic concept: a glowing Japanese lantern...