
Showing posts from September, 2016

Hand & CAD - The Wireframe Years - 7

This post is a continuation of my look at Cooper Robertson’s design for Disney’s Buena Vista Studios in Hollywood, California (1990). The previous post covered 8 mundanely informative views. This post will cover two of the more interesting views. The first view is a ground level view of the food bar proposed for the base of the water tower. All drawings are an 8” square format. The first wireframe sketch started with the rough CAD model that I used for the aerial shots (see previous post). The shading provides a vague idea of the space and structure. In this second round sketch I’ve created a much more understandable image. I copied the CAD model and used the copy to eliminate all parts of the model that couldn’t be seen from this viewpoint. I then used pastel and pencil to evoke a sunlit spot. In the third pass the viewpoint was adjusted slightly, and the design was developed and detailed. After some minor adjustments this ink line drawing was produced on mylar… … and color was adde...

Hand & CAD - The Wireframe Years - 6

Late in 1990 I got the chance to work for Cooper Robertson, one of the premier design/planning firms in New York City. They were doing master planning for the Disney Corporation, Buena Vista Studios in Hollywood, and wanted quick but accurate drawings illustrating the plan.  Following are a sampling of the drawings I produced for the job (A second post immediately following this will present a couple of views that were developed further). Each view was potentially a finished presentation rendering, but several were left at the black and white ink line stage. The development of each view will be in chronological order; that is, wireframe followed by shade & shadow, finished ink drawing, and transparent color. I’ll add comments as seems fit. The first view is an aerial showing one of the cross streets used by the employees for access, food and recreation. A copy of the main CAD model was made with this viewpoint in mind (eliminating lines not seen), and the unwanted lines that w...

Hand & CAD - The Wireframe Years - 5

The 3D capability available in the early ‘90s inspired a lot of experimentation among architects and artists. I dreamed up this fantasy to entertain myself while learning AutoCAD commands. I printed the four views double sided to save paper and because I considered them throw aways. Surprisingly, I found them yesterday tucked into a binder for a “real” (paying) job, and present them here. First, a plain vanilla view similar to what I produced by hand. No hiding of lines, and black Prismacolor pencil to establish some reality. Second, a “worms-eye” view. You can’t see the 3 point perspective in such a non-rectalinear building, but it is there. Again, pencil shade and shadow on the print. OK… that last wasn’t real worm’s-eye. THIS is a worm’s-eye! And finally, an aerial with considerable overlap in the building’s faces. The pencil shading isn’t enough to clarify the volumes.