Hand & CAD - The Wireframe Years - 12

Tokyo International Forum Finals (E)

This is the 5th of 6 posts on the Tokyo International Forum final phase presentation work.

I covered the large auditorium in the last post. This post will cover the three smaller halls.

Large reception space (Hall B)
This space was designed to house large meetings, exhibits, ceremonies or fashion shows.

The CAD model of hall B from above.

Preliminary views of the space.

Two different seating layouts.

A sketch-over to direct the hand work.

The final line drawing with screen films applied.

A photo of the space from a similar viewpoint.

Classical concert (Hall C)
This hall boasts fine acoustics for enjoying concerts, ballets or musicals.

The CAD model.

Preliminary views.

Hidden line view.

With tone sketch.

Final line drawing with people and screen tones. Since the space was symmetrical, we decided to flip the entire image.

A slide photo of the presentation board.

A photo of the space from the stage. I could not find any photos from the audience viewpoint.

Small box theater (Hall D)
This hall was designed as a small but flexible space for nearly any use.

The CAD model.

Potential viewpoints.

The final hidden line rendering, and tone study.

The final line drawing with people and tone.

A slide photo of the presentation board.

A photo of the built space being used for an art installation.

Next: abandoned ideas and drawings, and some interesting photos of the facility.


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